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Various sizes of touchscreens

Controller Touchscreens

Never Losing Touch, Nor the View 

 We’ve been very vocal about how Monitech and T2 are your Allen-Bradley alpha geek- especially with our premier PanelView line. We’ve discussed replacement parts like backlightsLCDs, and keypads. It’s high time we present our top-of-the-line PanelView touchscreens. 

 We don’t want to continue with the boring narrative, so here’s a list of our favorite Allen-Bradley PanelView touchscreens. 


  • MT15008PTA / MT15008PTB 

This is your PanelView touchscreen for an Allen-Bradley PanelView 1500. Aside from the typical topnotch Monitech quality and affordability, what’s best is about it not what’s here now but what’s coming- we only have the touchscreen available at this time, but wait ‘til we release the touchscreenoverlay combo. 

  • MT600PT / MT600PTB 

We have both the 4-wire and 8-wire versions of this PanelView Plus touchscreen that’s the perfect fit for Allen-Bradley PanelView 600 Plus. Simply match the data ribbon to the ones we show on the website and order the one you need. We always keep stock on this version. 

  • MT1400E12 / MT1400E13 

Got the LCD Upgrade or still with the CRT? No problemo- we got the PanelView touchscreen just for you. A win for the Allen-Bradley PanelView 1400E operators out there, isn’t it? And if price is an issue, we offer Refurbished 1400e LCD’s at a drastically reduced price. The form and function are the same as the Premium ones we sell. 

  • MT400 

Loving your little Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus Compact 400? You’re in luck ‘cos we got the PanelView touchscreen just for that. 

  • MT700PT 

Show some love to your Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 700 controller with this perfectly fitting PanelView touchscreen 

  • MT1200 

Of course, we got the PanelView touchscreen for the Allen-Bradley PanelView 1200 as well. 



  • MF700PPT7 / MF700PPT7-21 

How are you feeling about the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus – Series 7? Our PanelView touchscreen is a huge hit among our beloved clients. And be sure to check the 2711*** number- ‘cos we got two 

  • MF1200PPT7 

We got the 12” PanelView touchscreen for the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus – Series 7, too!  

  • MF1500PPT7 

Hey, don’t forget we also got the 15” PanelView touchscreen right here as well. 

  • MF1000PPT7 / MF1000PT7 

Yep, the 10” PanelView touchscreen, too. Awesome, I know! Again, take note of the 2711*** number ALWAYS. 

  • MF1000ET 

Shoutout to the legendary Allen-Bradley PanelView 1000E– we love this legend! Deserves an equally awesome PanelView touchscreen, don’t you think? 

  • MF1000T 

And we don’t stop with the E, we also got the PanelView touchscreen for the one without (so that’s Allen-Bradley PanelView 1000).  

  • MF1250PT 

Of course, we’re not forgetting that we also adore the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 1250 machine, and we’d love for all the display units to be decked out with a topnotch Monitech PanelView touchscreen. 

  • MF1400T 

PanelView touchscreen for the Allen-Bradley PanelView 1400, anyone? 

  • MF15005PT 

How could we forget the Allen-Bradley PanelView 1500 Plus? Not a chance- so don’t you forget our 15 inch PanelView touchscreen that’s the perfect match. 

  • MF700PT / MF700PB 

You heard we got the PanelView touchscreen for the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 700, but did you know we got the PanelView touchscreen + overlay combo, too? And do double-check 2711*** number, please! 

  • MC550T 

Speaking of combos, how’s this: the PanelView touchscreen for an Allen-Bradley PanelView 550 PLUS an aluminum front bezel? That’s super! 

  • MF550T 

Nothing too extra? Let’s just stick with old faithful- the PanelView touchscreen combo for Allen-Bradley PanelView 550 for ALL 2711-T5 variations. 

  • MF550B 

But take note, we’re just all about the PanelView touchscreen + overlay combo- we got the PanelView touchscreen + keypad combo, too! Allen-Bradley PanelView 550 must be feeling lucky. 

  • MF600B 

Well, of course, we got the same splendid PanelView touchscreen + keypad combo for Allen-Bradley PanelView 600 displays, too. 

  • MF1250PK 

Same goes for the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 1250PanelView touchscreen + keypad goodness we got there! And as of this time of writing, this is on a PROMO! 

  • MF900T / MF900AT 

We love seeing in color, but we don’t mind the amber (monochrome) tone, too. And that’s that for the PanelView touchscreen that goes perfectly well for whichever version of Allen-Bradley PanelView 900 you got. 


With that lengthy list, here’s the only key takeaway we’d love for you to remember: we’re your best bet for finding that perfect Allen-Bradley PanelView touchscreen and all we need is your 2711*** number. But we’re not saying no to your phone number, too! *wink wink* 


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Cheers for now! 


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